MCL - University Life

My Candy Love – University Life | Episode 2 : First days of class [Walkthrough]

January 21, 2023
Amour Sucré Campus Life Header

Go to the Cosy Bear Café and take advantage of this time to meet Hyun, the server, a very calm and thoughtful boy. During your first trial at the café, meet Clemence, the manager. You’ll have to make an effort to impress her and try to gt the serving job!

Status : Completed
PA Required : Around 1752 PA

OBJECTIVE 1 : Go back to campus

A. You’ve changed. I had a hard time recognizing you… +5% Nathaniel
B. Do you know them…? Seemed like they recognized you, and it scared them… Neutral

A. I’m still kind of in shock… It must be making me feel dizzy. Neutral
B. I can’t keep from thinking… all the change, Nathaniel? What happened to you?! -5% Nathaniel

A. Um, well… if you don’t mind too much… (The idea of walking the rest of the way and running into those guys doesn’t thrill me…). Neutral
B. No, no… I’ll be fine, thanks, I should be able to manage alone. +10% Nathaniel

OBJECTIVE 2 : Go back to your room, you need to sleep

OBJECTIVE 3 : Go back to the café to try your luck

Choice of outfit. To get Rayan’s Illustration you need to take the 225$ outfit or get the 185$ for Amber’s Illustration.

A. I hope so… She already intimidates me even though I don’t know her yet. Neutral
B. I’m confident. I’m doing to do fine. +5% Hyun

A. I already know how it works. I’m sure I’ll get used to your rules really fast. Neutral
B. I’m ready to learn; I’m sure it’s not too complicated. -5% Clémence

A. Well, it’s just that today, I’ve already made plans… But maybe we can set up an appointment to do a test-run. -5% Clémence
B. Su…sure (Too bad for Rosalya and Alexy!) Neutral

A. (Greet the admin officer). Neutral
B. (Greet Melody.) -5% Clémence

OBJECTIVE 4 : Go pick the orders inside

A. There was a peach and soy milkshake, an espresso, sweetened, with a drop of milk and a lemonade.
B. A peach and soy milkshake, an espresso, no sugar, with a drop of milk and a lemonade. +5% Hyun
C. I need a peach and soy milkshake, an Americano café, no sugar, with a drop of milk and a lemonade.

A. It’s just intimidating to feel yourself being watched that way… +5% Hyun
B. Everything’s fine. I should be able to handle it… Neutral

OBJECTIVE 5 : Take the orders out to the customers waiting.

A. Oh I’m sorry, I’ll take the glass back to the kitchen right away! Neutral
B. I thought I heard ”with ice”, quite the opposite.

A. I’m pretty sure you were already like that in high school. +5% Priya
B. Is that what they teach you at the university?

OBJECTIVE 6 : Go talk to Clemence inside the Café

A. You didn’t happen to push Clemence into making that decisions by any chance, did you? +5% Hyun
B. Thanks for your help today in any case.

A. That’s not playing very fair… -5% Hyun
B. Did you do that… for me? Neutral

OBJECTIVE 7 : Meet up with Priya in front of your old high school to thank her.

A. Do I hear a touch of jealousy? +5% Priya
B. Yeah… That’s true, without the two of you it would’ve been complicated. Neutral

A. Hahaha, you’re not wrong about that.
B. I would’ve really liked for you to try though… +5% Priya

OBJECTIVE 8 : Meet up with Rosa on the outside campus

OBJECTIVE 9 : Go rest in your room

A. (Lui proposer de laisser la radio.) +5 Yelen
B. (La laisser mettre ses écouteurs.) Neutral

A. Tu connais ce groupe? … Crowstorm. Neutral
B. (Mieux vaut ne pas engager une conversation, je sais que je m’aventure toujours sur un terrain glissant avec elle…) Neutral

OBJECTIVE 10 : Go to M. Zaidi’s class.

A. (S’asseoir à côté de Chani) +5% Chani
B. (S’asseoir à côté de Melody.) 5% Chani

A. You have an extraordinary sense of humour. +5% Chani
B. You are not reassuring me, seriously, Chani. Neutral

A. Umm… Art expresses truth (Melody must be right) -5 Rayan
B. Umm… Art can lie. Neutral
C. Umm… All the quotes you said are true. +5 Rayan

A. That’s exactly it. +5 Rayan
B. No, not really.

A. I have been… frightened when contemplating a work of art. Neutral
B. Marina Abromovic’s performance: “The Artist is Present” -5% Rayan
C. Right now I like watching… Game of Thrones. +5% Rayan

A. And Melody’s… (Yeleen, too) +5% Rayan
B. I understand! I was surprised but it didn’t bother me. Neutral

OBJECTIVE 11 : Go to the Dining hall; it’s time to eat!

A. Yes, yes, perfectly fine. Neutral
B. He wanted to “apologize” for having only questioned me out of the class. +5% Chani

A. No… I mean, not like the way you’re implying… Neutral
B. There’s something intriguing about him. Neutral

A. No, that’s really not what I meant. Neutral
B. Alright, I have to admit he is intriguing. Neutral

A. Ethan. Neutral
B. Morgan. +5% Alexy
C. Illian. Neutral

A. Wouldn’t it be better to let things happen… naturally? +5 Alexy
B. Organize a meeting between Alexy and the guy of his dream? That could be fun! +5% Rosalya

A. That shouldn’t be embracing! You should be able to flirt with whoever you want, after all who cares about a person’s sex or gender. +5% Rosalya
B. Yeah, I see how that could be embarrassing. +5% Alexy

A. A very bad idea. Neutral
B. An awesome idea! -5% Alexy

OBJECTIVE 12 : Go to your next class

A. OK… A little help never hurts I guess… +5% Rosalya
B. Seriously, I think I an handle it on my own. -5% Rosalya

A. I came back for my major. What about you, what’re you doing here? Neutral
B. I came back to do my last year of university. But I didn’t think I’d run into so many from the old high school crowd… (Especially not you.) +5% Amber

A. Sorry I’m having a hard time recognizing you. You’ve changed so much. +5% Amber
B. I’m just having trouble realizing that it’s really you… Neutral
C. I’m surprised you even came to talk to me. I have no memory of us having the slightest pleasant conversation our whole time in high school. -5% Amber

A. Modeling?! And do you do fashion shows sometimes? +5% Amber
B. That’s funny. I would’ve bet on it. Neutral

A. But how is it possible for her to have changed so much? Neutral
B. It was actually a joke, in two minutes she’s going to come back to insult me and tel me to get out of her way, is that it? Neutral

A. I ran into him on the way… Neutral
B. After we went out… On the way home on campus, some guys hassled me. Neutral

OBJECTIVE 13 : Meet up with Shani

OBJECTIVE 14 : It’s the end of the day, go to the dormitory

A. True, without you it’s going to be hard…. Neutral
B. Don’t exaggerate, I wasn’t that clumsy! +5% Priya

A. Nothing that concerns you. -5% Yaleen
B. Stuff my parents sent. Neutral

If you changed the sheets in Episode 1 :
A. As if YOU were going to do that for me! -5% Yaleen
B. Well, what about my sheets? You’ll wash them too, I hope. I’m not the one who left the can of paint barely balanced at the top of the closet. Neutral

OBJECTIVE 14 : Go to the café

A. Motivated yes, I hope I won’t be as clumsy as during my trial run, but… +5% Hyun
B. Oh yes! I warned you. I wanted this job bad. -5% Hyun
C. I didn’t have class this morning so I took the opportunity… Neutral

OBJECTIVE 15 : Go talk to Clement inside

A. I came as fast as I could when Hyun told me my contract was ready. Neutral
B. Hyun told me you wanted to see me. -5% Clémence
C. Where do I sign? +5% Clémence

A. Sure, no problem… Neutral
B. I guess I don’t have much choice… Neutral

A. (I’d be better off signing it immediately, I feel her questioning gaze looking over my shoulder.) Neutral
B. (I should at least read the contrat before signing it.) Neutral

OBJECTIVE 16 : Your contract’s signed! You can go back to university to eat

A. How are you, Mr Zaidi? -5% Rayan and -5% Chani
B. Isn’t there a dining room for the teaching staff? +5% with Rayan and +5% Chani
C. This is the first time I’ve ever seen you in the dining hall. Neutral

A. Famine. Neutral
B. Terrorist attacks. Neutral
C. Stress from final exams. Neutral

A. (I’m going to try to attract his attention so I can say hi.)
B. (Better for me to go discreetly back to what I was doing…) -> Illustration with Nathaniel at 20%

A. I’m not spying on you, I heard some noise, I just wanted to take a look. Neutral
B. A little while. The view is kind of nice. +5% Nathaniel
C. I was on the treadmill over there and I wondered who was working out so hard. -5% Nathaniel

A. Yeah, well… It’s pretty violent. +5% Nathaniel
B. I love it. Neutral
C. I’m surprised you got into sports! -5% Nathaniel

A. It seems to me it’s the only gym in town. Neutral
B. I’m for sure planning on it. +5% Nathaniel
C. Yes. Why, did you want to keep the gym to yourself? -5% Nathaniel


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