The X Files

Walkthrough – StoryScape : The X Files | Episode 1

September 14, 2019

Trial By Ice, Part 1
The X-Fles are still open, and the truth is still out there. In an all-new story based on the groundbreaking television series, two young agents work under the guidance of FBI legend Mulder and Scully to solve cases that defy rational explanation.

Written by: Sean Kelley McKeever
Directed by: Eric Parsons
Produced by: Kyler McLaughlin

Svehle : I think... I think I was wrong. Maybe it wasn't a shadow I saw. Lack of sleep getting to me, something.
- "Stay calm and on mission." Neutral
- "Toughen up, soldier." Neutral
- "Hang back, I'll go look." Neutral

Svehle : We found---what? Weapons, bucled, boot soles, dog tags. No bodies. And maybe ! saw a shadow. That's all weird. Time to report back!
- "We need to know what you saw." Neutral
- "I'll radio in." Neutral
- Stare him down. Neutral

[...] : It sounds afraid, like we're attacking it, but it's coming right for Private Svehle, who's in my way.
- "Shoot it!" You took command of the situation.
- " Move so I can fire."You acted decisively under pressure.
- "Chase me, not him!" You lured the creature away from Svehle.

[...] : My name becomes an inhuman gargle. It's awful guttural sound of an animal in the throes of death.
- "I'll pull you free!" Neutral [1.]
- Shoot it in the head. Neutral
- Put Svehle out of his misery. Neutral

[...] : That's it. Svehle's gone. Just me and it now.
- Empty your clip into its head. Neutral [2.]
- Run for the exit. Neutral

[1.a] : Every exposed bit of Slehle is gelatinous, slowly oozing out. I can't imagine there's anything to be done for him.
- "I shot it. It's down."
- "Hang on, okay?"
- "I won't let you suffer anymore."

[2.a] : If it were anything I recognized, I'd say it looks dead. I can't tell if it's breathing, and I'm not sure how it even would.
- Reload. Shoot it some more. Neutral
- Get out. Neutral

John Dogged : Okay. Well, we knew something wasn't quite right... I'm sorry that happened to Svehle.
- "Me too." Neutral
- "It was awful." Neutral
- "It's my fault." / "I couldn't save him." Neutral

John Doggett : I need you to take me to where all this happened. My colleagues, they're going to need a sample.
- "Sure, but stay alert." Neutral
- "We need rifles." Neutral
- "Are you insane?!" Neutral

The Monstrues Clue : You obtained a sample of the mucous.
Your actions have unlocked a Clue! Clues represent insight into a season-long mystery. Collecting enough Clues will allow you to access unique ending and bring you closer to the truth behind the conspiracy.

Mulder : A humanoid slathered in mucous that doesn't bleed, is nearly impervious to gunfire, and spoke. Question is, was it discovered or created?
- "You believe me?" Neutral [1.]
- "Not 'spoke.' Screamed." Neutral
- "Why the FBI? Where are the Marines?" Neutral

[1.a] Mulder : Is that what you want? To believe you're crazy? That it was just a vase of cabin fever coupled with stress over the disappearances?
- "Heh, I wish." Neutral
- "No, but it's weird, right?"
- "I'm fine. Are you?"

John Doggett : I know all this is a lot to take in. How are you holding up, all things considered?
- "I don't think it's hit me yet." Neutral
- "I'll feel better once it's dead." Neutral
- "Mulder seems crazy." Neutral

Scully : The bacteria I could identify are good at rapidly breaking down organic matter, which would speak to what you witnessed.
- "Are you a scientist?" Neutral
- "That's possible?" Neutral
- "You're so measured." Neutral

Scully : If I had to guess, I'd say the mesh is made to protect the organism form frost, burns. toxins, lacerations...
- "I think we were sent to guard it..." Neutral
- "Made? That's sci-fi, right?" Neutral
- "Protected from gunshot, though?" Neutral

Scully : Considering all you've been through, Private, you seem to be doing okay."
- "And you?" Neutral
- "Heh, not on the inside." Neutral
- "I'm a soldier, I'm strong." Neutral

Scully : A mixture of antibiotics, antacids, and diuretics. I reduces the efficacy of the protective mucous, leaving the organism vulnerable.
- "I'm impressed." Neutral
- "What about what's under the mucous?" Neutral
- "It's so... simple." Neutral

John Doggett : That lab is a stalking ground. Corners, cramped hallways, places to hide... We're better off drawing it outside, spraying it there.
- "I'll draw it out." Neutral
- "Give me the sprayer." Neutral
- "You three are my backup." Neutral

Mulder : We're not sidelining you. We need you and your rifle out there with us.
- "I'm the best choice to stop this monster." [12 Diamonds]
- "Okay, I'll play support." Neutral

John Doggett : I hope you din't take what we said the wrong way. I know you're capable soldier, Dexler.
- "It's okay, I get it." Neutral
- "I'm not a child." Neutral
- "I hope you're flirting."Neutral

Mulder : Got nothing, but we should give it a minute. I closed the hatch, so atlas we should hear it come out.
- "My turn." Neutral
- "It wants to stay down there." Neutral
- "That's it?" Neutral

[...] : My breath catches. My blood freezes. It's Svehle's voice. His scream.
- "Shut up!" Neutral
- "Big mistake." Neutral
- "Svehle, talk to me!" Neutral

[...] : Scully and Mulder don't have the sprayer ready. I know I have to buy them time.
- Hit it with the rifle. Neutral [1.]
- Make it chase you. Neutral [2.]
- "I feel for you." Neutral [3.]

[1.a] Scully : I think the damage has stopped. Here, I'lll use my glove to clean off any residue.
- "How bas is it?"
- "Don't worry about me." Neutral
- "Heh, you're my hero."

[2.a] : It turns to Scully and Mulfer. They don't have the sprayer working yet. It tenses up like a sprinter.
- Run at it. Neutral
- Detonate the sprayer. Neutral
- "Look out!"

[2.b] Mulder : What the hell were you thinking, Private?! Scully's got shrapnel in her!
- "How hurt is she?" Neutral
- "I did what was right."
- "Sorry I let you down."

[3.a] : It slows down. I don't even know if it understands English, but it seems to respond, so I keep going.
- "Hi. Who are you?"
- "You aren't to blame."
- "Let us fix you." Neutral

[...] : They're bathed in the chemical spray. The Mucous Man too. It's shaken. Vulnerable.
- Kill it. You killed the Mucous Man.
- Knock it out. You helped take the Mucous man alive.

Mulder : I though we were going to kill it. What's the deal, Private?
- "It's of scientific value." Neutral
- "It's victims minds could be inside."
- "What if it's a human being?" Neutral

John Doggett : We'll get you back to the mainland soon enough. Rest and recovery will do you good in the meantime.
- "Sure." Neutral
- "I don't think so." Neutral
- "My eyes have been opened." Neutral

[...] : Before long the debriefing and statement requests from the Marines and the FBI begin, After a while I wonder when they'll stop.
- Tell the truth You told the truth about Rowan base.
- Lie. You lied about Rowan base.

Senator Knudsen : Please, you can call me Senator Knudsen, or just Senator. Do you know why you're here, Private?
- "I haven't been given a reason." Neutral
- "I'd rather you told me." Neutral
- "My statements?" / "The Alaska Incident?" Neutral

If you lied : Senator Knudsen : The full, unreacted reports of Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully paint quite a different picture from yours.
- "If you say so."
- "In what way?" Neutral
- "They're nuts."

If you told the truth : Senator Knudsen : There are some fantastical, incendiary claims to have made. You know hot it must look to your superior, don't you?
- "They're ignoring the truth." Neutral
- "I won't lie." Neutral
- Stay silent.

Senator Knudsen : Once I had my voice, I discovered how to use it. When and where. Not just for my own benefit, but for everyone's
- Show interest. Neutral
- Make pleasantries. Neutral
- Keep listening. Neutral

If you lied : Senator Knudsen : To people like myself, your information is currency. Currency that can be spent.
- Play dumb
- "Move it along."
- "Spend on what?" Neutral

If you told the truth : Senator Knudsen : If I hadn't voided your statements in full, you would have spent it on nothing.
- "You can't void my statement!"
- "You can do that?" Neutral
- Let her continue. Neutral

If you told the truth : Senator Knudsen : Instead of letting you set a torch to your future, I put out the fire. Would you like to know why.
- "Sure." Neutral
- "You want something from me." Neutral
- "Gee, you see yourself in me?"

Senator Knudsen : John Dogged works for an FBI consulting firm I'm friendly with. Word is you wish to become a federal agent and work for the X-Files.
- "I would." Neutral
- "You know the X-Files?" Neutral
- "You can get me in?" Neutral

Senator Knudsen : "And what does she want in return, I wonder?" Two things : to keep in touch, and for you to serve to the best of your ability.
- "I'm so grateful." Neutral
- "And...?"Neutral
- "This doesn't add up." Neutral

[...] : Hoping it will be useful for my new future plans, I decide to spend the of my military contract focused on...
- ... field maintenance. Miss Fix-It : You pursued field maintenance.
- ...informative security. Brainy type. You specialized in information security.
- ...marksmanship. Sharpshooter : You trained in marksmanship.

[...] : I decide I need a part-time gig, not just for money but to get out and about. I pick up some hours as a...
- entry clerk. Neutral
- ...package sorter. Neutral
- ...ride-share driver. Neutral

[...] : During the day, along with my criminal justice courses, I take this great little elective too.
- Digital Video and Photography. Shutterbug : You study photography.
- Improvisional Acting. Thespian : You take up improv.
- Language Acquisition. Linguist : You study language and communication

A.D Skinner : So let me start by asking you: What do you think the X-Files are?
- "The unknown." Neutral
- "Cover ups and tact." Neutral
- "Monsters." Neutral

A.D Skinner : Now, I look at these scores, your jacket... You're smart. You know all this. So, Agent Dexler, what are you doing here?
- "I need to know." Truthseekers : You want to find answers to thing that needs explanation
- "Protecting innocents." Defenders : You want to protect the people from the horror of the world.
- "Government accountability." Watchdog : You want to hold the government accountable.

A.D Skinner : She's one of two reasons you're sitting here right now. But as far as I'm concerned, no one new should be assigned to the X-Files.
- "Give me a chance." Neutral
- "I'm the only reason." Neutral
- "Two reasons?" Neutral

A.D Snikker : In fact, there's a case waiting for you now in Philadelphia. A series of mysterious deaths. Your partner's there already.
- "Thanks!" Neutral
- "My first case so soon?" Neutral
- "Wait. I'm in?" Neutral

[...] : Standing outside Skinner's door, I can't help but think I hear him say, "Mulder"...
- Play as Skinner. [Premium 16 Diamonds]
- Get to work. Neutral

Next Episode : Episode 2

Who’s excited? Because I am! I feel like this was such a good introductory episode. Long enough to feel worth it. I used to watch The X Files when I was a lot younger and was already super excited that it was in the making, and even more when it finally came out. As our character is from the military, I’m leaning towards playing more on the cold and collected side, and a lot less emotional. But I will replay it a lot to get all the answers since the episodes will probably take a while to come out. If you have different outcomes and would like to contribute, don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

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